Thursday, June 6, 2024

Day 29- Champaign, IL > Crawfordsville, IN (80 miles)

June 6

Happy Birthday to my favorite sister today! Love you Jennifer...

Also D-Day anniversary...if you have not read the Stephen Ambrose book D-Day, it will humble you and amaze you. 

Beginning to see states on the map on the right side of the middle...

Today was a pretty relaxed day with great weather and a good tailwind most of the day...remind me of this day when I whine about a headwind later on the trip. This was one of those 80 mile days that went by fast even though we stopped 25 miles out to get a burger. I am a little concerned about the cicadas as they appeared to be more focused in their attacks today...I swear they were like kamikaze pilots today. We went through a couple of small towns on the ride today that had American flags everywhere and pictures of soldiers from each town and the wars in which they seeing this. Will sent me a song that I had not heard before as we were coming into Indiana...Josh Ritter - Henrietta, Indiana; what a cool tune - check it out: Henrietta, Indiana

Yes, we are now in Indiana and east coast time zone:

Quote of the day was crowd-sourced from Brian T, and I love it...another great one from C.S. Lewis - "And how could we endure to live and let time pass if we were always crying for one day or one year to come back - if we did not know that every day in a life fills the whole life with expectation and memory and that these are that day?" So profound...I've always believed in not looking in the rearview mirror, and this puts a whole different perspective on it. Thanks BT!

New hotel everyday creates unique problems for my tiny little mind like remembering the room #...I have started taking a picture of the room now:

This was from the Tuesday conga line with the whole group riding into Champaign...a great day.

We were definitely in farm country with some barns of all types...

We were on this road for the last 6-8 miles, and it was kind of shake and bake style for riding, but we were in a big group and socializing...a cool way to come into a college town.
Friday looks to be a good day with 75 miles into the middle of Indiana; the anxiety app says that the wind will be behind is good! Talk tomorrow...

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Final thoughts...

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