Thursday, May 23, 2024

Day 17- Guymon, OK > Liberal, KS (46 miles)

 May 23

The route:

One other picture for context since we will cross our second panhandle in 2 days...I drew a green line to show our route (OK has a better looking panhandle than TX in my opinion):

We crossed into Kansas today, and we will go from southwest KS to northeast KS over the next few days. The ride today was short (45.7 miles) and flat; we had good winds and good roads. We went through Hooker, OK before we got to the state line for KS, and you'll see the pictures below. Liberal, KS was our destination, and it is the home of Dorothy's house from The Wizard of Oz. We stopped there briefly and then went to the Air Museum, which was pretty cool. Photos galore below (No, I did not get my picture taken with a fake Dorothy.) 
Fortunately, we did not see this lady today. This will be my only reference to the movie.

From Hooker, OK. 'A location not a vocation.' Yep, the jokes are t-shirt for you Mom.

There was a giant map at the Hooker Chamber of Commerce to track their visitors. Stuart put a pin on Griffin, and I put one on Fargo, GA.

Yep, I am in Kansas now, and you can expect what I will say when we hit Missouri.

All of our bikes at Dorothy's house...note the yellow brick nonsense.
I took a bunch of photos at the Air Museum, and it is pretty impressive; it was more civilian versus military. 

This is my politically incomprehensible, woke, oxymoron face...seriously, is this not a little funny? (Pls send any hate mail to my home address versus the comments section or my e-mail).

Quotes for the day are stolen from the best medium out there: country music. I have been getting some great music recommendations from Will, Chuck, and Joel K...I decided that today was a music day for me, and I am now a huge fan of the Turnpike Troubadours...some great stories and quotes in their tunes: 'can't unring that bell'; 'I don't mind you playing me, just keep it in a major key'; 'you go to hell, I'm going home'; 'you can have a nickel outta my last dime' - I remember Will and Taylor liking that one; and the song 'Long Drive Home' might be a fitting song for this journey...Check these guys out if you do not know them. Also, Joel's recommended song was 'The Road Goes on Forever' by Robert Earl Keen, and it was a great tune as well. Thanks for the suggestions guys...

For the cycling geeks, I have discovered the Epic Ride Weather app, and it is amazing...see what it is projecting for tomorrow's route:
The app is great because it works with Ride with GPS, so you set your ride route and your ride time, and it forecasts temp, rain, wind speed AND wind direction. You can see that tomorrow will be a app. and bad wind. I know that Doc is rolling his eyes and saying if we all looked at the weather all the time, we would never step outside; Doc - you should be here to tell me in person!

Talk to you tomorrow from Dodge City, KS. 


  1. Judd, I can tell by the lyrics you chose that you found some of my favorites. Unrung is one of my top 3. If you didn’t hear Pay No Rent, I highly recommend. I’ll have to share the backstory to the song sometime.

  2. From that Hooker place y’all dropped by, to the airplane museum, and then the liberal redskin school… this is the best post yet!
    It’s a little cliche, but Willie ‘On the Road Again’ seems appropriate for at least one morning. Keep pushing!

  3. Love the Turnpike Troubadors - check out 7&7 ; good one. Check out the Red Clay Strays - you'll like them

  4. Looks great! Enjoy!
