Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Day 16- Dalhart, TX > Guymon, OK (72 miles)

May 22

The route:

We continue our trek North and East. Somebody must have ratted me out for talking about the wind not being our friend; we were discovered today. We started with a headwind that turned into a headwind and then remained a headwind. We did get a slight reprieve in Oklahoma, and the 73 miles actually went by pretty quickly. The route was boring, the trucks were courteous, and we simply retired miles today. Some days will have richer calories than others. We did stop at a convenience store that made us think about our Tour of Convenience Stores ride - see below:

Looks familiar to the SGI crew, I am sure.

The quote for the day requires you to be deep yet not overly analytical - I cramped the first time I tried...stay with it. This is from The Stand and Stephen King: "Show me a man or woman alone, and I'll show you a saint. Give me two, and they'll fall in love. Give me three, and they'll invent the charming thing we call 'society'. Give me four, and they'll build a pyramid. Give me five, and they'll make one an outcast. Give me six, and they'll invent prejudice. Give me seven, and in seven years, they'll reinvent warfare. Man may have been made in the image of God, but human society was made in the image of His opposite number, and is always trying to get back home." 
Ok, now that I've been heavy and killed my Yelp rating, let's look at more photos:


Cool picture that they took of the Griffin guys near the Texas line...looks like we are talking politics.

This photo is almost as embarrassing as the one with Raff and I on the Jack Rabbit...apologies to my kin folk.

This was one of the highlights of the ride as far as scenery. Just being honest...

One of the comments in an earlier post referred to us as 'the 4 horsemen from the good team'...that made me chuckle - thanks for the laugh and good imagination! There were also a couple of funny comments about this flat part of the world: Ron H said "it is so flat in Dalhart, you can watch your dog run away for 3 days". Chuck C quoted some crooner that I've never heard of saying "you can stand on one end of main street and see so far that you can see the back of your head".  We see Dorothy's house from The Wizard of Oz tomorrow - need to crowdsource some humor from you guys for this...tomorrow will be like a rest day doing 45 miles on flat ground.

Talk soon...


  1. Judd, I cannot believe you have never heard of Robert Earl Keen. In your bike trek across the country, I submit you should make your first listen of his, “The Road Goes On Forever and the Party Never Ends.” Seems appropriate for y’all. And it’s good music!

  2. Now that you’re entering Oklahoma, it’s time to expand your music knowledge even further. Check out the Turnpike Troubadors. You won’t be disappointed. “Lorrie lit a cigarette smiled and waved the smoke out of her face.” Poetry, my friends, poetry. Ride on!

  3. Just so many great pics Judd! Yet to see you not smiling in any of these (these shots truly just make me smile and happy for you guys), but I'm sure there have been plenty of grueling times during this "adventure" (which is what you'll call it one day, but my bet is its pretty much pure work right now). Many eyes following you guys, keep it up and be safe! -Scott
