Friday, June 14, 2024

Day 35- Erie, PA > Buffalo, NY (93 miles)

 June 13/14...

A couple of photos from the rest day in Erie below...


This photo is one that my family will know as the box that Dad made as he was an Oliver Perry fan and loved the quote, which makes it the quote of the day...The maritime museum that we went into in Erie had a tribute to Perry, and this quote and the backstory was well-documented...Below you will see some of the cannons that Dad would have appreciated...pretty cool discovery in Erie, PA.


These rest day photos were from the hotel as we spent most of the day relaxing outside by the water...amazing sunset pictures pirated from some of the other riders in our group:

The route for the day to Buffalo was along Lake Erie the whole way, and it was beautiful:

That is Lake Ontario just north of Buffalo (in case you are slow on knowledge of the Great Lakes like I am). I was embarrassed at how little I knew of the naval battles that took place on the Great Lakes. I should have paid more attention to my history teachers, or they needed more charisma.

We had another near-perfect weather day for the ride. We rode with a group of about 10-12 people, and we kept the pace social and civil! It is apparent that everyone on the trip has ridden into very good shape. It is hard to believe that you can feel great after rolling 93 miles at 18 mph. We had the lake to our left  for most of the ride and vineyards to our right. The roads were very good today, and we had a SAG at mile 40 and mile 70. The Griffin guys found a great place to eat a late lunch once we got to the hotel...if you are ever in Buffalo and near West Seneca, go to  Potter's Field...great people and amazing food. We were talking at lunch that is is bizarre to think that we rode our bikes from Los Angeles to Buffalo; yes, we have more to do, but it was a weird observation aided by a cold beer after a long ride. A couples of pictures from the actual ride:

Friday is uniform day, so we got to match as we crossed into another state!

This was Buffalo as we were getting close. Photo taken by one of our bike buddies, and you can see how much Lake Erie looks like the Gulf of Mexico.

Tomorrow's ride is 79 miles into Victor, NY with about 3k ft of climbing. I hate to curse our luck, but we will be done this time next week - that is so crazy! Keep sending texts and prayers our way. Talk tomorrow.

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