Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Day 33- Wooster, OH > Niles, OH (93 miles)

June 11

Not many photos taken today given the mileage and a few days of heavy legs...

I think the horse should make a break for it...

One more from yesterday at the local Tesla dealership:

Today's route:

The gradient chart looked like rollers, and they were rollers - Ohio style not Missouri rollers. These were steeper and shorter. One of the guys riding with us, Olaf, remarked in the middle of one of the crazy, steep ones : 'this is unnecessary' - a simplistic truth without foul language as Olaf is a gentle man. The roads for the first 35 miles were amazing through farmland. The next 30 miles was pretty good also, but we had some busy roads. The last 30 miles was split between a busy road and about 10-12 miles on a bike path that was pretty nice - similar to the Silver Comet. We were starving and stopped for gyros, sandwiches, etc before the hotel. We did not really contemplate not having lunch each day on this trip, and it will be nice to get back to a normal routine of eating soon. The weather today was cool - all day long...like jacket weather on the bike for the whole day and temps in the 40's-60's for the whole ride. This part of Ohio is beautiful, and we commented on the first part of the ride this morning that the views today were what we had in mind when we signed up. We have another long day tomorrow (90 miles) to complete a tough leg of the trip, and we will have a rest day in Erie, PA. We have a couple of days riding near the lake that are supposed to be nice.

As we approach our LAST rest day and transition from these 4 long days in the saddle, a quote from Tolkien seems appropriate: "Oft hope is born when all is forlorn." This is a bit of stretch because we have not been forlorn...just cranky, old men. 

Talk from Erie, PA...thanks again for your encouragement and prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Got a chuckle from Olaf's comment. Mine was similar, but probably not as gentle. Something along the lines of what the f*** was the point of all that...was similarly "quoted". Ride safe and enjoy the rest day in Erie. Home stretch! Mike R (XC '18)
