Monday, June 10, 2024

Day 32- Marysville, OH > Wooster, OH (98.5 miles)

 June 10

The route:

Yep, I needed context again to see where we are...tighter view below includes South Bend in it since I have great memories of a night game there when I turned 50...UGA 20 - ND 19.

For the biker geeks, notice the climbs after 75 miles. So, we got to the SAG at mil 75 and realized that we still had 2,500 ft of climbing left over the next 23 miles...we went up for 12-15 miles then we had a good descent and rollers for the last 8 miles or so. The weather today was fantastic with cloud cover and temps never got out of the 60's. We had beautiful country roads for the majority of the ride, and I would highly recommend riding a bike in Ohio. Photos below from the day today:

This appears to be a serious problem as this is where waffles get made before the ride...who is to blame?

Hmm...wonder what Raff was doing when this machine failed...could have been anyone actually.

Beautiful roads and land to ride through most of the day...

Some of the less flat stuff...

Man, they care for the vintage stuff up here.

A ton of small communities here that seem to have been left in a time vacuum.

I started reading the Daily Stoic a few months before this trip, and I have really enjoyed it. After reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, I have become more interested in the concepts and practices of the Stoics...I do recommend the daily e-mail. A quote from it that I saw early this morning and chewed on as I rode today...the set-up is that things have always been a little screwed up, and we need to resist the temptation to accepting things like apathy, indifference, corruption, political gridlock, etc. Our job is to try to move things forwward even when it seems futile or hard. There is a famous WWI poem about one generation making sacriices for the next hoping that they can continue to work the issues...the quote is "To you from failing hands we throw the torch; be yours to hold it high." This is about striving to do what is right...hard but necessary.

Tomorrow, we ride 93 miles to Niles, OH with rollers and another good weather day according to the anxiety app. Thanks for your prayers, music recommendations, and humor sent via texts and emails...

1 comment:

  1. Ohio. Wow! I (Brent W.) has been out on vacation and off line. Can’t believe the distance you all have gone. Paul said I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me.


Final thoughts...

June 26 We drove home from Boston on Sat/Sun, and the transition from seeing the roads as a cyclist versus driving a car was a little bizarr...