Monday, June 3, 2024

Day 27- Quincy, IL > Springfield, IL (106 miles)

 June 3

Happy birthday to my brother below from his cycling days. (I can play your reindeer games Johnny...)

Today's route:

Yes, I panned out to give perspective...

Today was set up to be a hard one, and it was...106.4 miles with decent gradient but a wind that was usually quartering at you; the air was thick, and it did get hot (high 80's). Nevertheless, we trudged through it, got to the hotel at 3 and promptly went next door to Steak & Shake and got a double burger, fries, and a milkshake and could have ordered the same thing again. Today was not the day for pictures because we needed to get through the miles, and there was not much to see along the route except more corn than you can imagine...Bill had a catchy phrase for it that sounds like a 'ship load'. Also, Chuck C could be a DJ if that banking thing does not work - he has kept me listening to quality tunes (Banana Republics had me rolling today and then sad all over again on losing Buffet too soon).

Springfield is considered the home of Lincoln (even though he was born in Kentucky), so I decided to pick a quote to honor him as one of our greatest presidents. I picked a couple since it is my ridiculous blog: "Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." I hope the next one is not true: "The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next." Fun Lincoln facts: he kept goats at the White House (sure to endear him to my crazy daughter); he was a helluva a wrestler; he was a lawyer but never graduated from college or passed the bar; he was only 56 when he was assassinated. I read 'Killing Lincoln' last fall and was fascinated by how much I had forgotten about the lead-up to the assassination and the debacle trying to catch Booth afterward. Great book if you can get past Bill O'Reilly doing the audible of it.

Photo gallery:
I took this early this morning while walking around outside the hotel drinking coffee.

We actually saw this guy yesterday as we came across the Big Muddy, and someone in our group got a photo of him...he is either one weird dude, or he lost a bet.

This is one of the coolest photos I have seen from our trip...the guy on the bike is Odie, and he can ride that bike like nobody's business; no offense to Bruce R, but this guy makes it look easy. Odie is a fascinating guy also with one of the best laughs I have heard...Navy fighter pilot, Ph D, etc, etc.

This was the Griffin boys plus Peyton slowly rolling to the hotel yesterday after 2 beers and a bunch of chicken after crossing that big river thing...

Tomorrow is another long day at 91 miles to Champaign, IL, and then we have a rest day. There is only one rest day after this one, which blows my mind. The trip has been all that we thought it would be, and I just hope and pray that we continue to ride safely and feel good. Thanks for all of your texts, emails, and prayers!


  1. The guy with the furry hat is embarrassed to be riding an e-bike.

  2. He is in training for RAGBTAI. That is typical for that rider and it is usually the last week of July.


Final thoughts...

June 26 We drove home from Boston on Sat/Sun, and the transition from seeing the roads as a cyclist versus driving a car was a little bizarr...