Sunday, May 12, 2024

Day 7 - Cottonwood, AZ > Flagstaff, AZ (47 miles)

 May 11

What a day...route info below.

The miles would not be the issue today, it would be about the climb out of Sedona into Flagstaff...the ride from Cottonwood to Sedona was about 20 miles, which is the false flat you see on the gradient. If you have not been to Sedona, you need to get there. We came here a couple of years ago after the Grand Canyon trip, and it was just as stunning when we rolled in this time. Pictures do not do it justice, but I'll try with a couple: One hint that I just learned...if you click on one of the pictures, it makes it easy to scroll through that day's photos at larger scale. 

Ok, enough of the pretty views, we had to get ourselves up a rock to Flagstaff. Yesterday, it was "Bill, up the hill." Today, it was "Raff, up to Flagstaff". Just like cruise control on your car, and we kept a steady pace up through the first 8-10 miles of the ascent out of Sedona, and then we got to the switchbacks that you'll see below. This climp up was not as bad as we expected as we kept the pace civil, and we talked as we climbed. If anyone wants to see this climb on Ride with GPS, send me a text. It was a top 5 moment!


From the top of the climb, we had about 12 miles to Flagstaff, and it was through rollers with a great road surface and wide right of way. We grabbed lunch at a good Mexican joint as we rolled into town. We capped the day with dinner and beers at Lumberjack pizza, and the absolute best Uber experience of our lives on the way back to the hotel...this guy was a riot with disco lights in the vehicle, playing music from the 70's/80's and pumping the brakes to the beat of the songs. A fitting end to a great first week.

We talked at dinner about how grateful we are to be able to do a trip like this: to have good health, good friends, and great spouses that allow us to go be kids at camp for a long time. Today is Mother's Day, and I am so thankful for the mother's in my life. "Rejoice in the Lord always."    


We will do laundry and lay low today walking around Flagstaff. This is also a great town with stunning views of the mountains. Next week is a trek along I-40 towards Santa Fe, and we get back to 90+ miles per day. Talk again on Monday...thanks again for following along with us!


  1. Great stuff Judd! I’m enjoying the blog. Tell the guys I said hello. Give Raff a high five from me.

  2. Beautiful views

  3. Judd thanks for the daily posts. Send me the ride w GPS looked like a great ride day!! Talking while climbing!!!! The Griffen boys are in great shape it appears!!! Totally jealous now!!! Missed a great trip enjoy and glad to see the first week ended strong and yes you are blessed with great health, great friends and most importantly great families!!! Take care and enjoy Monday!!

  4. Sounds like a great first week. Loving the pictures and the stories.

  5. Lumberjack Pizza now that sounds like my kind of place! And the views. Wow God is so good! So glad the trip is going well. And on a trip like this one Stayin Alive is probably just about the perfect song to get you over the mountain and up the hill.
